Wellstead Estuary - Credit: Claire Wall

The Wellstead Estuary is 13 kilometres in length and is home to an abundance of wildlife including fish, crustaceans, shellfish and birdlife.
The Estuary is fed via the Bremer River which rises near Jerramungup. The Bremer River is 70km long and was first recorded in 1919. It has two minor tributaries being Devil Creek & Lizzie Creek.
When the Estuary is full it has an abundance of fish and is favoured amongst fishers for its Black Bream, Mullet and often King George Whiting. When the estuary breaks through to the ocean it can also bring blue swimmer crabs & prawns into the river.
As you look across this expanse of water, there are some important facts about its global significance to our birdlife. The Wellstead Estuary is home to over 100 species of birds. This aquatic habitat is a major feeding and recuperating ground for migrating birds that travel on the East Asian Australasian flyway.
Migratory & resident shore birds breed and feed on the Wellstead Estuary from September through to the end of April.